Padmission News
Property Engagement and Housing Search Assistance
As homeless services systems scale permanent housing interventions like Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Rapid Rehousing (RRH) in communities, there is a tremendous opportunity and need to strengthen and align efforts in landlord engagement and housing search assistance. On May 15, 2020, HUD issued guidance on the HUD Exchange [...]
Introducing Journey, the industry’s first homeless housing program administration platform
Washington, DC, (July 8, 2024) - Padmission, the leading innovator in landlord engagement and housing search assistance software for homeless services systems, announces the availability of Journey, the industry’s first homeless housing program administration platform. Journey provides homeless services organizations with end-to-end housing program administration and the analytics to improve housing [...]
Property Engagement in the 2022 Special NOFO
As your community is preparing your submission for the HUD CoC Program Special NOFO to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness, it is important to note that effective Landlord Engagement is essential to providing housing opportunities for our most vulnerable community members. We all know that housing is the solution [...]
New Map Search for Desktop and Mobile
We're excited to launch a fresh look and map search functionality for our Padmission users. The enhanced search mode will make it easier for Housing Locator users to identify gaps in housing opportunities for their programs in specific areas of their community. Case Manager and housing program participant users will [...]